Saturday, May 25, 2013

#12 Logan Utah Temple

May 25, 2013- We had the opportunity to stay at a Bed & Breakfast in Logan last night and then spend the day at the Logan temple.  We arrived at the temple at 9am and it was already bustling with brides.  I had a family, where the father, Matt Ersson's, work was done, but his wife, Christina Jansdotter, and his 3 daughters, Cathrina, Brita & Stina needed their work done.  There was also 5 young boys who died before 8, who needed to be sealed to the family.

We began with the baptisms of the women.  Sam baptized me for the 4 women in the family and one other woman as well.  Sam was baptized for 3 men, who's cards I had brought as well.  There was a small group there, but we were able to be baptized and confirmed at the font, in about half of an hour.  The baptistry looks like it was probably remodeled in the 1960's, and feels more like the decor of a chapel than a temple.  There's no fancy counters, tile, glass or wood.  Oak modestly trims the interior.  The ceilings have a popcorn texture that most buildings have removed by now.  The trim of the font is made of a cast cement with flakes.  Under the font is a floor that is covered with a pretty light blue carpet.  It almost makes you feel like there's water below you.

After the baptisms, we went to do our initiatories.  Sam did 3 initiatories and I did the intiatories of Christina Jansdotter, and her 3 daughters, Cathrina, Brita & Stina.  We were lucky to find other's going to do endowments that could do the other names, so that we could seal the entire family after.

The endowment room was elegant, but a bit modest.  The only noticeable part of the room was the gorgeous ruched curtain that moved up to unveil the movie screen. On the side of this curtain, were beautiful elegant damask taupe curtain that were bordered with fringe.  When it was time to go to the veil, we were moved to another room.  It appears there is only one veil for all of the endowment rooms.  This room had the same elegant ruched curtain that covered the veil and the damask taupe curtains on the side.  It did also have 3 large brass chandeliers, that added to the elegance.  The celestial room, was quaint.  Not the smallest we've seen, but close.  The noticeable feature of this room was an enormous crystal chandelier.  It wasn't very ornate, but it's enormous size added to the grandeur of the room.  Each corner of the room had square columns, which were painted with muted garden scenes.  Other than that, the decorations and craftsmanship, were elegant, but simple.

At last, we sealed the family together.  It was a wonderful feeling that all of those young children who died are now sealed to the family for eternity.  We did find out afterwards, that we didn't have the temple card for one of the baby boys, so he will have to be sealed later.  It was amazing, because the Sealer had lived in Sweden and knew the area and the language.  He said it was a beautiful country they were from and helped us learn to pronounce the names.  The ceiling rooms are on the 3rd floor, and we were surprised at how many there were.  There were at least 11.

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